Sunday, July 18, 2004

Amused to Death

Amerikaanse jongeren spiesen zich aan vleeshaken.
Ach ja, weer eens iets anders dan varkens hè.


And the children on Melrose
Strut their stuff
Is absolute zero cold enough
And out in the valley, warm and clean
The little ones sit by their TV screens
No thoughts to think
No tears to cry
All sucked dry
Down to the very last breath


Limburger vindt Mandarijnenkanon uit.
Wat moet je anders met die dingen? Eten?


We watched the tragedy unfold
We did as we were told
We bought and sold
It was the greatest show on earth
But then it was over
We ohhed and aahed
We drove our racing cars
We ate our last few jars of caviar
And somewhere out there in the stars
A keen-eyed look-out
Spied a flickering light
Our last hurrah
Our last hurrah


VS ontwikkelen nog zwaardere bom.


And when they found our shadows
Grouped 'round the TV sets
They ran down every lead
They repeated every test
They checked out all the data on their lists
And then, the alien anthropologists
Admitted they were still perplexed
But on eliminating every other reason
For our sad demise
They logged the only explanation left
This species has amused itself to death

(Tekst van Roger Waters - Amused to Death)

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